Saturday, September 10, 2011

2 Months Old!

Here are a few pictures of Ruthie at 2 months old.  She now makes it through the night with just one feeding around 2 or 3 - not too bad.  That means we are all getting a little more rest these days.  She's also smiling a ton!  It is so fun to watch her respond to us.  She really recognizes both Mommy and Daddy.  That's a pretty amazing feeling!  And she's babbling and talking to us all the time.  What a difference a month has made!

Jerod has started calling her "Little Rachel with Jerod's Ears."

Another bathtub video.  Ruthie is showing off her talking (babbling and screaming) skills in this one.  I feel like only a baby's family can actually enjoy videos like this.  Guess that's why I keep watching this with a huge smile on my face!

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